Weight Loss with Older people is somewhat different from younger people. The main reason is that in older people, their metabolism rate is lower and as a result, it takes them more time to attain the same weight loss results. Weight loss is usually a result of how people diet and exercise. Dieting to lose weight involves eating less food and implementing a regular exercise program. The majority of older people do not exercise on a regular basis, or even exercise period; therefore they have to depend more on diet. People stay healthy by eating a properly balanced diet, and exercising regularly. Younger people, who are on a weight loss program because of their active lifestyle and a higher metabolic rate, will be more likely see results quicker will more likely to stick with the program. While older people, at the beginning of a weight loss program, will find it more difficult to lose weight and stay motivated. However as they continue the program, after the first three weeks which is the most difficult period, they become more attuned.
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Weight Loss with Older People, is more about a lifestyle change. After losing the required weight, eating healthy and maintaining a regular exercise program will be the key to keeping the weight off for years to come.
For a weight loss program to be effective with older people, there should not be a dramatic change in diet. The change should be gradual some new foods are introduced while foods in their regular diet are discontinued. This way it would be easier for them to accept the change in diet and continue with the new eating habits, even after the weight loss part of the program is officially over. The best way for older people to lose weight, is gradually over a longer period of time. The longer it takes to lose weight the greater the possibility of them keeping it off.
Dieting especially in older people can be very dangerous, if the diet restricts the necessary nutrients that the body needs to function properly, this can cause serious complications. Some diets may even cause weight gain. If the diet program is too drastic of a change, as the body is deprived of food and nutrition, the metabolic rate is lowered to help the body cope with this new situation. This effect does achieve weight loss, but the body's internal mechanism goes into survival mode to protect itself. After the weight loss program, when food is re introduced, the body stores the food as fat for later use, which causes the person to gain weight. Weight loss with older people should not be undertaken just to lose weight but also for improved body posture and the health benefits of the lifestyle change. This type of lifestyle will help people to lose weight naturally.
One of the most important factors in weight loss with older people is the type of diet program they embark on, they should not engage in Low fat diets; Low calorie diets; or Low Carbohydrate diets for extended periods. These types of diet will be too much of a change from their normal diet. The Strip That Fat program that we offer is ideally suited for older people, because it incorporates a professional on board nutritionist and physical trainer, who can answer questions and concerns that they might have. You will also get a personalized training program, access to calorie counting tools, and nutrition education and progress material. Weight Loss with Older People should be natural and stress free, it should be enjoyable and easy to maintain. For more information visit strip-off-extra-weight
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